Customizing text output

Unleash the power of personalization as you sculpt your message to perfection with Markdown, tailoring fonts, colors, and styles for a polished and unique presentation.

Elevate plain text with Markdown

Our chatbot messages are now equipped with Markdown support, allowing for seamless plain text formatting to enhance the visual appeal and clarity of your conversations.

With this feature, you have the power to emphasize key points through bold or italicized text, create structured lists, format tables for organized data presentation, and even embed clickable links, images, or GIFs to enrich the user experience. Whether you're conveying information, adding a touch of style, or guiding users through a more interactive dialogue, our Markdown support ensures that your chatbot messages are not only informative but also visually engaging.

Wondering what Markdown is? It's a simple markup language that allows you to format plain text. Here's a handy cheat sheet recommended by our linguists 👉 Markdown Cheat Sheet! 👈 Make sure to add it to your bookmarks.

Elevate the communication experience with the flexibility and versatility that Markdown brings to plain text formatting in our chatbot messages:

Bold text

Just select the text and press CTRL + B!

Or, using Markdown format, making text bold is achieved using double asterisks (**). Simply wrap the desired text with these symbols to apply bold formatting.

Here's a quick guide:

Copy this exemple
I want the following text to be **bold**.
Italic text

Just select the text and press CTRL + I!

Or, to apply italic formatting to text in Markdown, you can use single asterisks (*). Simply enclose the desired text with these symbols to render it in italics.

Here's a straightforward guide:

Copy this example
This text is normal, but *this text will appear italicized.*
Underscored text

Just select the text and press CTRL + U!

Striketrough text

Adding a strikethrough effect to text in Markdown is a straightforward process. To implement strikethrough formatting, use two tilde characters (~~) before and after the text you want to strike through.

Here's a simple example:

Example to copy
~~This text will appear with a strikethrough.~~
Ordered list

Markdown makes it easy to organize content into ordered lists. Follow these simple steps to create a numbered list:

  1. Start each list item with a number followed by a period (1., 2., 3., ...).

  2. Leave a space after the period.

  3. Write the text for each list item.

Here's an example:

Example to copy
My list:
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item

You can also create nested ordered lists by indenting the nested list items. For instance:

Example to copy
My list:
1. First item
   1. Nested item 1
   2. Nested item 2
2. Second item
3. Third item
Unordered list (bullet points)

Markdown provides a simple syntax for generating unordered (bulleted) lists. Follow these steps to create a list of items with bullet points:

  • Start each list item with an asterisk (*), plus sign (+), or a hyphen (-).

  • Leave a space after the asterisk, plus sign, or hyphen.

  • Write the text for each list item.

Here's an example using hyphens:

Example to copy
My list:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item

However, you can mix using an asterisk, a plus sign and a hyphen within a single list. The output will always be rendered as bullets:

Example to copy
My list:
- First item
+ Second item
* Third item

To create nested unordered lists, indent the nested list items:

Example to copy
My list:
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
    - Nested item
    - Nestem item

Markdown allows you to create checklists easily. Follow these steps to include checklists in chatbot messages:

  1. Use square brackets [] for an unchecked item and [x] for a checked item.

  2. Place the brackets at the beginning of a line, followed by a space and the task description.

Here's an example of a simple checklist:

Example to copy
- [ ] Task 1
- [x] Task 2 (completed)
- [ ] Task 3

You can also nest checklists to create hierarchical structures:

Example to copy
- [ ] Main Task
  - [ ] Subtask 1
  - [x] Subtask 2 (completed)
    - [ ] Sub-subtask
Embedded image/gif

Enhance the visual appeal of your chatbot messages by seamlessly incorporating images or GIFs. Follow these steps to insert multimedia elements:

  1. Use an exclamation mark ! to initiate the image syntax.

  2. Enclose alternative text for accessibility within square brackets [].

  3. Follow the square brackets with the image or GIF URL enclosed in parentheses ().

Here's a basic example for an image:

General format
![Alt text](
Example to copy
![Here's a image of pikachu](

In the rendered output, the alt text will be displayed if the image cannot be loaded, and clicking on the image will open the specified URL.

For a GIF:

General format
![Alt text](
Example to copy
![Here's a cute pikachu gif](

Ensure that the URLs point to the correct location of your images or GIFs. Always copy and paste URLs of the image/gif itself (right click >> Copy image URL).

You can also include optional attributes, such as width and height, to control the size of the displayed media:

General format
![Alt text]( =300x200)

This sets the image dimensions to 300 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height.

Code block

To create a code block in Markdown, you can use backticks (`) to enclose the code.

Here's how you can do it:

Inline Code

For inline code, wrap your code with a single backtick on both sides:

Example to copy
Here is some `inline code`.

In the rendered output, the text "inline code" will appear in a monospaced font.

Multi-Line Code Blocks

For multi-line code blocks, use triple backticks (```) before and after the code block.

Example to copy
a = "Hello world!"


Markdown provides a simple syntax for creating tables. Follow these steps to include tables in your chatbot messages:

  1. Separate columns using vertical bars |.

  2. Use hyphens - in the second line to denote the table's header row.

  3. Separate each cell's content with vertical bars |.

  4. Adjust the number of hyphens in the header row to match the number of columns.

Here's an example of a basic table:

Example to copy
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| ---------|--------- | ---------|
| Content 1| Content 2| Content 3|
| Content 4| Content 5| Content 6|

You can also align the content within the cells by using colons :. For example, to centre-align text in the second column:

Example to copy
| Left-aligned | Center-aligned | Right-aligned |
| :----------- |:--------------:| -------------:|
| Content 1    | Content 2      | Content 3     |

Horizontal divider

Markdown allows you to insert horizontal dividers to visually separate sections of your content. Follow these steps to add a horizontal rule:

  1. Use three hyphens ---, three asterisks ***, or three underscores ___.

Here's a simple example using hyphens:

Example to copy
Here's the text that's gonna be above the divider.


And this is gonna be below the horizontal divider.

Feel free to choose any of the three options (---, ***, or ___) for horizontal dividers, depending on your preference.


Markdown supports the creation of footnotes to provide additional information or references. Follow these steps to include footnotes in your chatbot messages. This is useful for longer messages with several paragraphs of text:

  1. Use a caret [^] followed by a unique identifier to mark the position for the footnote reference in the text.

  2. At the end of your document or section, add the footnote content with the same identifier inside square brackets and a colon.

Here's an example:

Example to copy
This is a sentence with a footnote[^1].

[^1]: Here is the additional information or reference for the footnote.

In chatbot output, we support emojis as Unicode characters. Just copy them in the Text input window in MSG NODE.

Example to copy
Hello, I am your AI assistant! 😊

Tip: Browse Emojipedia the find the right smiley face that will brighten your chatbot's messages 😍🤖

Last updated