
Overview of Training Set tab in Digital Studio

Intent - represents the purpose behind an end-user's input during a conversation. For each agent, multiple intents are defined, allowing your collective intents to manage an entire conversation. When an end-user inputs a message, Digital Studio identifies the most appropriate intent associated with your agent.

Intent name – a user defined, recognizable name of intent

Utterances - these are sample phrases that end-users might use. When an end-user expression closely resembles one of these phrases, Digital Studio identifies the corresponding intent. You don’t need to provide every possible example, though it is advised that every intent has 5-15 different utterances based on what your users say.

Used in node – indicates the point in conversation flow where selected intents are being checked against end-user's input.

Target node – after recognizing the proper intent, target node points to the next step in conversation flow.

Actions – from here you can either select the “edit intent” or “delete intent” button. When the “edit intent” is selected, you will be shown a window, where you can quickly change the name of intent and update its utterances. You can also use “Generate utterances with AI” by providing an intent description and desired number of utterances to be generated.

Last updated